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Saturday, 5 May 2007


So here I am. It's 2.38 in the afternoon and it's a sunny Bournemouth day. Like usual. and as usual I'm trying to do my marketing assignment. I really am trying today. I deliberately got the Facebooking over with early so I could actually do this damned assignment. And yet, here I am writing on my blog. But it's OK. I don't feel guilty.

See, the thing is, whilst I sit here listening to the people who I will never know nor meet nor get to talk to, pass by my window, safe in the knowledge that I will probably get the worst mark I have ever achieved in this assignment due to my complete lack of understanding, I am content.

It was a song. Jack Johnson's driftwood. Like the lyric says, it did exactly that. It drifted softly into my ears through the speakers and just stopped me in my procrastinating tracks. It's not a song a i know well, but I recognised the melody. as with all of his songs I just fall in love with them from the first note.

There are so many reasons why Jack Johnson's music will always have a special place in my heart. The first time I heard one of his record was in April 2005. Me and my very close friend Kerry were in the hustle and bustle of Bangkok. The famous KO San road is renowned for selling pirate CD's. And on this day it was Jack Johnson being blasted (if that's a word that can be used to describe such chilled music)from the stall.

We both commented on how nice it sounded. We wondered who it was. And then we forgot about it.

Later that month we arrived on KO Samui and there it was again. Kerry bought the CD and that night we put it on in our beach hut. Since then I have loved his songs and his lyrics realy strike a chord with my personality and life mottoes.

For months after arriving back in the UK, "In Between Dreams" was the only album I listened to.

The second reason the music is so meaning ful to me is the fact that myself and my best friend at the time went on a narrow boat trip with our families for a week, just before I began at university. With not much else to do on the boat, the music was our entertainment and it still reminds me of that trip now.

Finally, and probably most importantly to me, is the fact that Jack Johnson is also one of the favourite artists of my boyfriend. I remember before we became an item and I was infatuated, he called me from a Jack Johnson gig and held the phone up to the whole of "banana pancakes", just for me. It still makes me smile.

Last summer we spent our weekends together in the warm haze of his room under the sheets, close together just listening to this music. And everywhere we went it came too. Like our camping and surfing trip to Cornwall. Or our holiday to the Dominican Republic. Just so many great memories.

Hearing the song today really moved me. Music is such and amazing and important part of life. It can really speak to you. That's what just happened. All those memories stored deep and safe in my head, laying dormant til the next time I hear a Jack Johnson record.

I am now safely out of my romanticised-bubble-of-love-and-peace rant! It never lasts long with me, so I thought it best to write it down!!!

Back to the assignment it is... or maybe I'll just go find that CD....

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